WProgram.h file or folder not found

Hi to all,
i am trying to set up a program in arduino,but when i try to compile...i keep getting the above message.
searched google,but all i could find was a statement telling me to change the WProgram.h file to Arduino.h...
did this ,but still getting the error message when trying to compile..

any help please


and the message you get is....?
and your code is...?

and the message you get is ?.......see the subject line !!!

Have you spent 5 seconds googling? No, of course not. You simply expect us to give you the answer again, as if you were the first person to encounter this issue.

You are not that special.

Hi PaulS,
thank you for your comments.
firstly...i never said i was special...i'm new to this
secondly...your right..i have'nt just spent 5seconds googling..i'v spent days
and lastly...i bet you go down a bomb helping newbie's out.

again ..thank you for your comments

why do you think I ask?

-> you say you've replaced the line and you still see the message
-> You compiler is giving you way more information than this in the error msg

You don't want to share that info? good luck.

secondly...your right..i have'nt just spent 5seconds googling..i'v spent days

I find it difficult to believe that you spent 5 days googling and did not learn that all that you need to do is edit the library and change WProgram.h to Arduino.h.

I guess I needed to pay more attention. J-M-L is right. You need to post the code that you are trying to compile AFTER making the changes AND the compiler output. It appears that you did not make the proper change(s), or did not change the proper file(s).

i'm sorry guys...thought i mentioned this in my opening request.
change WProgram.h to Arduino.h

i did this and i am still getting a fail message...

arduino/libraries/DB.h/DB.cpp :21:22 fatal error: WProgram.h: no such file or directory.
#include "WProgram"

please accept my apologies for my attitude..but i'm pulling my hair out searching and trying to figure out where i am going wrong.

Apologies accepted - we have all been there :slight_smile:

so what's in this file ? arduino/libraries/DB[color=red].h[/color]/DB.cpp (the path looks weird by the way what's the .h thing?)

where did the library come from? how did you install it?

what code do you need posted..?

what code do you need posted..?

well you actually code where you do the include would help to see what you bring in.

but where did the DB library come from? how did you install it?

good god...how can i send you all the code?

tried cutting and pasting to here....but it did'nt work

i added the db library file into arduino library

include library
add zip library

tried cutting and pasting to here....but it did'nt work

may be was too long

just past the top part where you have all your includes

include library
add zip library

where did you download the zip from?

can you go see in the file viewer into your libraries what that did?

I would consider looking at the Extended Database Library
