write and read char to/from EEPROM doesn´t work

Hey guys,

I´m new in this forum because I need your help.

I writing char´s to the EEPROM of a ESP8266.
If I read the data from the EEPROM before switching off the mc it works properly.
If I read the data after switching off I receive just rubbish.

What am I doing wrong?

I hope I´m in the right part of the forum, otherwise please apologize.

Thanks for your help.

Here my code:

#include <EEPROM.h>;

char mySSID[50];
char myPWD[50];
char myIP[50];
char cSSID[50];
char cPWD[50];
char cIP[50];
String sSSID;
String sPWD;
String sIP;
int i;

void getData(){
Serial.println("SSID eingeben...");
while(Serial.available() == 0){

sSSID = Serial.readString();

Serial.println("Passwort eingeben...");
while(Serial.available() == 0){

sPWD = Serial.readString();

Serial.println("IP eingeben...");
while(Serial.available() == 0){

sIP = Serial.readString();

for (i=0; i <= sSSID.length(); i++){
mySSID = sSSID*;*
* mySSID[i+1] = '\0';*
* }*
* for (i=0; i <= sPWD.length(); i++){*
myPWD = sPWD*;*
* myPWD[i+1] = '\0';*
* }*
* for (i=0; i <= sIP.length(); i++){*
myIP = sIP*;*
* myIP[i+1] = '\0';*
* }*
void writeEEPROM(){
* for(i=0; i<= sSSID.length(); i++){*
_ EEPROM.put(i, mySSID*);
EEPROM.put(i+1, '\0');
for(i=0; i<= sPWD.length(); i++){
EEPROM.put(i+60, myPWD);
EEPROM.put(i+61, '\0');
for(i=0; i<= sIP.length(); i++){
EEPROM.put(i+120, myIP);
EEPROM.put(i+121, '\0');
void readEEPROM(){
for(i=0; i<=50; i++){
cSSID = EEPROM.read(i);
if(cSSID == '\0'){
for(i=0; i<=50; i++){
cPWD = EEPROM.read(i+60);
if(cPWD == '\0'){
for(i=0; i<=50; i++){
cIP = EEPROM.read(i+120);
if(cIP == '\0'){
void setup() {

void loop() {

Serial.println("Wollen Sie neue Daten eingeben? (y/n)");
while (Serial.available() == 0){

if(Serial.readString()[0] == 'y'){
* getData();*
* writeEEPROM();*
* Serial.println("Sollen die Daten nun angezeigt werden? (y/n)");*
* while(Serial.available() == 0){*

* }*
* if(Serial.readString()[0] == 'y'){*
* Serial.print("SSID: ");*
* Serial.println(mySSID);*
* Serial.print("Passwort: ");*
* Serial.println(myPWD);*
* Serial.print("IP: ");*
* Serial.println(myIP);*
* }*
Serial.println("Wollen Sie Daten aus dem EEPROM lesen? (y/n)");
while (Serial.available() == 0){

if(Serial.readString()[0] == 'y'){
* readEEPROM();*
* Serial.print("SSID: ");*
* Serial.println(cSSID);*
* Serial.print("Passwort: ");*
* Serial.println(cPWD);*
* Serial.print("IP: ");*
* Serial.println(cIP);*

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Now to your problem. The ESP8266 EEPROM library works differently from the AVR one. I see you already learned that you need to call EEPROM.begin(), but you must have forgotten to read the part of the documentation that explains:

EEPROM.write does not write to flash immediately, instead you must call EEPROM.commit() whenever you wish to save changes to flash. EEPROM.end() will also commit, and will release the RAM copy of EEPROM contents.

Hey pert,

Thanks for your quick reply.
You saved my day

You're welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance. Enjoy!