And I want to transfer it from the Raspberry pi to the Arduino. They are connected through Serial.
I want the program to do the following:
-Raspberry pi shall wait for the word "start" from Arduino
-Send text "start" from Arduino to the Raspberry pi
-The Raspberry pi shall perform actions which generates my list above.
-The Raspberry pi send the list to Arduino.
Right now I have managed to get the Arduino to send the word "start" to the Raspberry pi, but I cant get the Raspberry pi to respond back with the list.
The Python code:
import time
import math
import serial
from time import sleep
#wait for green light from arduino
while loop:
while ser.readline() != b'start':
Serial is not on /dev/ttyS0 as far as I have seen.
You are going to have to tell us how you have connected the serial. For example, the R-Pi has hardware serial (/dev/ttyAMA0) but you have to enable it with the raspi-config tool to use it. Some use a USB serial bridge (/dev/ttyUSB0), and some connect to an Arduino Uno (/dev/ttyACM0).
It is not I who have started this thread, must be a moderator. And as far as I can see the old thread is now gone. I know I got a really good answer from someone who suggested I should take a look at some threads with python arduino demo, but now I cant seem to find it?
I am certain that the serial address is the correct one. It is connected via RX TX pins and a logic level converter.