Write to sd card from phone app via bluetooth using arduino uno

I have written a code with the help of [Write to sd card from phone app via bluetooth] discussion 
// program to receive test data Iinto a null termnated character
// array (string) and write the string to a SD card
// using methods from Robin2's serial input basics
// by C. Goulding
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
const byte csSD = 4;//10;
File testDataFile;
SoftwareSerial ssPort(0,1);    //(RX, TX)
const byte numChars = 32; //**** adjust this number for the longest data set
                          // can be up to 255.
char receivedChars[numChars];
boolean newData = false;  // true whenever new data comes in
                          // must be set to false before new data can be read
void setup()
   Serial.println(F("starting test data reception"));
void loop()
   recvWithStartEndMarkers();  // get new data if it is there
   if (newData == true) // got new data, save it to SD
      //Serial.print(F("This data just received   "));
      testDataFile = SD.open("test.txt", FILE_WRITE);
      if (testDataFile)
         //Serial.print(F("Writing to test.txt..."));
        // Serial.println(F("-1"));
         Serial.println(F(" $$$$$ error opening test.txt $$$$"));
      newData = false;  // OK ready for more data
void recvWithStartEndMarkers()
   static boolean recvInProgress = false;
   static byte ndx = 0;
   char startMarker = '@';//'<'
   char endMarker = '$'; //’>’
  char rc;

while (ssPort.available() > 0 && newData == false)
  //while (Serial.available() > 0 && newData == false)
      rc = ssPort.read();
     //rc = Serial.read();
if (recvInProgress == true)
        if (rc != endMarker)
           receivedChars[ndx] = rc;
           if (ndx >= numChars)
              ndx = numChars - 1;
           //receivedChars[ndx] = ‘\0’; // terminate the string
           //receivedChars[ndx] = ‘\0’;
           recvInProgress = false;
           ndx = 0;
           newData = true;
     else if (rc == startMarker)
        recvInProgress = true;

void initSD()
  if (!SD.begin(csSD))
  Serial.println("############ initialization failed! ########");
     while (1);
  Serial.println("############ initialization done! ########");

The text file which I want to send to sd card is as below
6,0805,1,w.wav,last bell
6,0805,2,r.wav,last bell
6,0805,3,p.wav,last bell
6,0805,4,p.wav,last bell
6,0805,5,p.wav,last bell
6,0805,1,w.wav,last bell
6,0805,2,r.wav,last bell
6,0805,3,p.wav,last bell
6,0805,4,p.wav,last bell
6,0805,5,p.wav,last bell
but result is 
############ initialization done! ########
starting test data reception
6,0805,1,w.wav,last bell
6,0805,1,w.wav,last bell
6,0805,1@6,0805,1,w.wav,last belB 
6,0805,1,w.wav,last belllast belB 
6,0805,1,w.wav,last belllast belB 
6,0805,.wav,last bellelllast belB 
6,0805,1,wv,last bellelllast belB 
6,0805,1,w.wav,last bell@6,0805lB 
6,0805,1,w.wav,last bell@6,0805lB 
6,0805,1,w.wav,last bell@6,0805lB 
6,0805,.wav,last bellell@6,0805lB 
6,0805,1,w6,0805,1,w.wav,last blB 

the android app is developed in Mit App Inventor 2


Please resolve the issue so that data may be send properly to sd card without corruption of data`Preformatted text`

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First quesdtion is why you use SoftwareSerial on the hardware serial port.

Then what should I use? Please guide me

Some other pins that you don't use; e.g.

SoftwareSerial ssPort(2,3);

And hook your bluetooth module up to pins 2 and 3.

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