Write to second Uno

I have a perfectly working program that I would like to extend a character to a second Uno: The LCD prints a letter of the alphabet which I would like to transfer to the second Uno.
I can't get round the following

lcd.print(codeString[0]+" ");
lcd.print(codeString[1]); //Printed Letter on LCD
if (charSet > 7) charSet = 7;
lcd.setCursor(8+charSet,0); //lcd.blink();

I get the following and have no idea how to address the problem.

no known conversion for argument 1 from 'String' to 'const char*'
I would be very grateful for any help.


The rest of the program has no relevance to the problem and having just counted up there are 43 lines containing personal information that I would not want published.

The rest of the program has no relevance to the problem ...

You have not provided any data declarations, so I think the types of codeString, charSet etc. are indeed relevant.

Nor do we know which line the error refers to.

So I am not personally going to sit here guessing what line caused the error, what your data is defined as, and so on.

I get the following and have no idea how to address the problem.

no known conversion for argument 1 from 'String' to 'const char*'

So, quit using the String class. Get rid of EVERY instance of String in your code. No more need to convert them to anything.

Problem solved, a young man(16) at the club last night waiting to go to university added one line and solved it for me. Now works fine. Thanks for those who responded.

Problem solved, a young man(16) at the club last night waiting to go to university added one line and solved it for me. Now works fine. Thanks for those who responded.

It would be a help for other Forum users if you explain what the problem was and what the solution was.


Problem solved, a young man(16) at the club last night waiting to go to university added one line and solved it for me.

Just out of curiosity, did you let this young man see all the code? Or just the lines you posted above?

If you let him see all the code, he has an advantage we don't have. Namely knowing what the hell this is all about.

If not, how did you manage it? Did you cover some of the code with your hand?