I'm working on a project with the ATMEGA 328, building it up using the Arduino UNO, transferring it to a raw ATMEGA on a standalone board
As I walk through the project I had to tackle a lot of forums and threads because the one truth that solves my problem at hand is covered in one post out of "hundrets" of posts and threads.
This in turn burned up lots of hours, just to find THE ONE information.
Thus I'd like to write a condensed howto, directed to newbees, which covers all these obstacles and provides (my) solutions and if necessary links to the posts I found.
The how to shall be set in three parts
- Basics on the ATMEGA and surrounding technique
- the real HowTo get Arduino code on raw ATMEGA (on Breadboard or other standalone technique)
- my own project which deals with switching AC plugs via the network.
Since I dont want to repeat a thing that is already done:
- Does anybody know if this was already done (but i did not find it)?
- Where is the best place to do this within the arduino community?
Thanks for your support