Thanks for your input,
First, I thought it would be easier to attach the code as a separate file, since it's not one specific point that I'm struggling with. I'll attach it with the code tags at the end.
Since everything is text and varies in length, overwritting a row (or part of it) can lead to "overlaps" or row merging (due to losing the new-line characters in the process).
If I understand you correctly, once I stop writing on any particular given line, then the rest of that row is written as 'blank'? So in order to go back and start over in a new column, i'd really be editing the previous entries? I see why that could get me into trouble.
File size it's just as simple as creating another file, and storage limit... well, then get a larger card (up to 32 GB recommended, anything bigger might work but I cannot guarantee).
I'm using a 32GB SD card to write the data to. A csv with three columns and 1,048,576 rows only takes up about 30MB - so that's not the problem. When you pull the csv off the SD card and open it, only the first 1,048,576 rows are displayed (and from what I can tell this is all I'll be able to get with the code I have now - hence wanting to go back and write to different columns).
I had hoped to keep everything in one file to make my life easier, but maybe it'll be better if I try to create a new file every time one fills up. It'll be more work for me post-recording, but if that works then it works. I just wanted to make sure there were no clever solutions floating around that I hadn't thought of.
Thanks again,
// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // Needed for LCD Screen
#include <SPI.h> // Needed for SD card writing
#include <SD.h> // Needed for SD card writing
// For Display
//const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2; // For Stock LCD Display
const int rs = 8, en = 9, d4 = 4, d5 = 5, d6 = 6, d7 = 7; // For LCD Display Shield
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7); // For All LCD Display
// Variable Declaration
const int GSS = A3; // Grove Sound Sensor
int sensorValue = 0; // Declare Sensor Value for Groove sensor
int THV = 775; // The threshold value to trigger if statement
int i = 0; // Global Counter
unsigned long currentTime = 0; // Timer
unsigned long previousTime = 0; // Timer
unsigned long Sdiff = 0; // Define short timer difference variable
// Declare File for SD card
File RawData;
//--- VOID SETUP ---
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin(9600); // Set bod rate
// initialize SD card
SD.begin(4); // Define SD card starting pin
RawData ="RawData.csv", FILE_WRITE);
// if the file opened okay, write to it:
if (RawData) {
lcd.clear(); // Clear LCD Display
lcd.setCursor(0,0) ; //sets cursor to first line
lcd.print("SD Card"); //Print SD Card Message
lcd.setCursor(0,1) ; //sets cursor to second line
lcd.print("Detected"); //Print SD Card Message
// Initialize file headings
RawData.println("Movement Counter, version: 1.05-Beta");
RawData.close(); // close the file:
RawData ="RawData.csv", FILE_WRITE);
RawData.println("Global Time (ms since start), Time since last reading (ms), Sound threshold (unitless)");
RawData.close(); // close the file:
else {
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
lcd.clear(); // Clear LCD Display
lcd.setCursor(0,0) ; //sets cursor to first line
lcd.print("SD Card Error"); // Print SD Card Message
//--- VOID LOOP ---
void loop() {
// Module to control microphone sensor reading
sensorValue = analogRead(GSS); //use A3 to read the electrical signal
if(sensorValue > THV) {
i++; // incriment counter - serves no real purpose other than to confirm on the screen that the program is updating
currentTime = millis(); // Log the current time
Sdiff = currentTime - previousTime; // Calculate time between readings
// Display
lcd.clear(); // Clear LCD Display
lcd.setCursor(0,0) ; //sets cursor to first line
lcd.print("S:"); // Print Microphone output label
lcd.setCursor(3,0) ; //sets cursor to first line, 4th column
lcd.print(sensorValue); // Print Microphone output
lcd.setCursor(9,0) ; //sets cursor to first line, 10th column
lcd.print("V:"); // Print THV label
lcd.setCursor(12,0); //sets cursor to first line, 4th column
lcd.print(THV); // Print difference in time values
lcd.setCursor(0,1) ; //sets cursor to second line
lcd.print("t:"); // Print miliseconds label
lcd.setCursor(3,1); //sets cursor to second line, 4th column
lcd.print(Sdiff); // Print difference in time values
lcd.setCursor(9,1) ; //sets cursor to second line, 10th column
lcd.print("C:"); // Print counter label
lcd.setCursor(12,1); //sets cursor to second line, 13th column
lcd.print(i); // Print counter label
// Write to SD Card
RawData ="RawData.csv", FILE_WRITE);
RawData.print(currentTime); // Write: Global time, time difference, sound value
RawData.print(Sdiff); // Write: Global time, time difference, sound value
RawData.println(sensorValue); // Write: Global time, time difference, sound value
RawData.close(); // close the file:
previousTime = currentTime; // Log the current time as the previous time
// Time Management
delay(80); // Force minimum time between readings to ensure distinct signals (in miliseconds)
// Reset Counters to prevent display overrun
if(i >= 9999) {i = 0; lcd.setCursor(12,0); lcd.print(" "); } // Reset counter after sufficient iterations
// Program termination if onboard clock reaches 49 days (4233600000 ms)
if(currentTime >= 4233600000) {
lcd.clear(); // Clear LCD Display
lcd.setCursor(0,0) ; //sets cursor to first line
lcd.print("Max Time"); // Print Microphone output
lcd.setCursor(0,1) ; //sets cursor to first line
lcd.print("Reached"); // Print Microphone output
exit(0); // Terminate Program