Writing on C

I wanted to find informaton on this forum about writing on C for Arduino in Linux, but it's not easy because we using "c" letter very often.

I want to know

  1. What differences and problems of programming Arduino and other devices?
  2. What toubles of it?
  3. What differences of Pins numbers?

P.S. Sorry for my errors, I don't know english :frowning:

and thank you :slight_smile:

What differences ?.

Outside the IDE , no ADC , Serial etc without adding that function.

No pin numbers just PORTs and bits ,eg Pin 13 is really PORTB bit 5 and Pin 12 PORTB bit 4 etc.

If you wanted to switch on Pin 13 in C , you would set the DDRB data direction register Port B bit 5 high for output , then set PORTB bit 5 high .

DDRB =| 32; <- pinMode
PORTB =| 32; <- DigitalWrite

So the same , just different

The advantage outside the IDE is smaller code and easier to make your own library's
The disadvantage is you have to write code for just about everything which is built in.

What differences and problems of programming Arduino and other devices?

The main difference is that, compared the other computers, the Arduino is very small. It has very little memory, either for programs or data. It also runs very slowly compared to other computers. But, with the Arduino, you have access to hardware I/O pins that you do not get on larger computers.

other devices?

O, sorry, i mean other devices on Atmega!

Memory , and ports !!

Some have more memory , some have less .
Some have more i/o pin , some have less.
Some have more serial hardware port , some have less.

plus timers , twi , adc etc