Writing porgram to the transmitter Xbee Maxstream

i have basic knowledge on C programming. i have written up a simple program on arduino duemilanove ATmega168. Right now, i wish to upload the program up to the transmitter Xbee Maxstream, can anyone give me guidance on it? I am stuck for few days on this programming. Please help, thanks (:

i have basic knowledge on C programming.

i have written up a simple program on arduino duemilanove ATmega168.

If you've gotten an editor, a compiler, and a linker to fit on the Duemilanove, along with keyboard support, and are able to write programs ON the Duemilanove, I'd say that you have more than basic knowledge of C. Congratulations.

i wish to upload the program up to the transmitter Xbee

The XBee is a radio. How do you expect it to be able to execute a program? Is the program compiled for the XBee?

right now the problem is i dont know how to write the program to connect arduino duemilanove ATmega168 to the Xbee Maxstream :frowning:

Connecting the XBee to the Arduino is a hardware issue. Run some wires. No software required.

Making the Arduino communicate with the XBee is simple. The XBee puts data it receives on the TX pin, and broadcasts any data written to the RX pin. The Arduino uses Serial methods to communicate with the TX and RX pins.

I would like to program a program which displays a digital number from 0-1023 using the serial monitor depending on the variable resistance (i.e. change in analog input voltage) to the transmitter Xbee Maxstream.

I would like know is there any examples on it? thanks, please help asap, thank you (:

is TX and RX pins falls on the pin 2 and pin 3 of Xbee Maxstream?

You need to start with posting links to the hardware that you have. That should include an Arduino (we know what they look like, and have access to the data for them), two XBees - a sender and a receiver (which ones do you have?), and two shields or breakout boards - one for the Arduino and one for the PC.

The Arduino will simply read the potentiometer setting, and write the value to the serial port. The XBee at the Arduino end will transmit that data over the air. You can use the same code that would be used if the Arduino was connected directly to the PC.

The XBee on the receiving end receives data over the air, and writes it to the serial port. On the PC, you would do EXACTLY the same thing as if the Arduino was connected directly to the PC.

alright, so in order for it to work, connect the Xbee Maxstream on breadboard with the arduino?

alright, so in order for it to work, connect the Xbee Maxstream on breadboard with the arduino?

Hmmm. Have you noticed that the XBee has different pin spacing, and doesn't fit the breadboard?

can i use jumper wires and crocodile clip to connect them? i want to test out whether i can successfully transmit and receive the data and show on the serial monitor. please guide, thanks

Have you looked at how close together the pins are? If you have small enough clips, then yes, you can.

It is the tiny spacing of the pins, and the need for good, proper connections, that cause most people to opt for a shield or breakout board.

Hi, how do i make two Xbee Maxstream to communicate wirelessly through arudino ide program on the serial monitor? i have successfully test and configure the settings and also communicate each other by hex and ASCII code by installing the program called X-CTU.
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hi, how do i make two Xbee Maxstream to communicate wirelessly through arudino ide program on the serial monitor?

Anything that the Arduino sees on the serial port, the XBee sees, too. The XBee broadcasts whatever it reads from the serial port, to the specified XBee(s).

Anything that an XBee receives over the air is put on the serial port; the data is then available for the Serial Monitor to read and for the Arduino to see/read, too.

Hi, i have the program to program it in arduino ide. this is the program below

#include <NewSoftSerial.h>

NewSoftSerial mySerial = NewSoftSerial(2, 3);

void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
Serial.println("Goodnight moon!");
// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
mySerial.println("Hello, world?");

void loop() // run over and over again

if (mySerial.available()) {
if (Serial.available()) {

when i verify/compile it, it shows NewSoftSerial does not name a type, what does it means? i have installed the newsoftserial into the arduino examples. please help asap (:

This statement

#include <NewSoftSerial.h>

says that NewSoftSerial is a library that needs to be included.

This library is not part of the Arduino distribution (though it should be in my opinion).

when i verify/compile it, it shows NewSoftSerial does not name a type, what does it means?

The compiler is telling you that you haven't downloaded and installed the library, or at least not correctly.


i have download the folder and unzip it. i have even try 'hacking' it into the arduino examples. still can't get it right

When I verify your sketch, I get:

Binary sketch size: 4062 bytes (of a 30720 byte maximum)

i went to research and found this website


it still doesnt help either. how should i do about?

Which version of the IDE are you using?

On which operating system?

Where did you put the NewSoftSerial.h and NewSoftSerial.cpp files? Did you make any changes in them?

Did you get other error messages?

i am currently using arduino 0021. i transfer and save the files to the arduino under libraries. i still cant get it right :frowning: