I am working for a while on a domotic home heating/cooling server and I'm using arduino DUE to do it.
I use a web page as GUI and for display info it work. but now on the page;
I want to send post request to the arduino to send value and data. I think It will be easier to do it with AJAX and JSON.
But I can find the method to hear a post request from a web page.. the best I had found is on webserver tutorial, but it seem a bit lazy to just looking from a string on http request...
I saw the aRest lib, but I'm not sure if it is what i'm looking for...
So, to resume it... I want to know the method to receive post request from my web page, ( it will be generate by angular.js most likely), is there a new HTML header or response...
and the way to recognize data to parse it...
With a GET you see all the name/value pairs in the URL, and that URL length is limited to 56K characters (IIRC). A POST request has no limit; the name/value pairs are in the body of the request. So unless you need to hide those name/value pairs or their length is over the limit you're better off sticking with a GET.
An Arduino Due has no ethernet or WiFi capability. How you implement reading an HTTP request will depend on what interface board you choose.