Hey there everyone.
I'm working on a data logging project which requires getting pretty significant amounts of data (once a second for days on end from up to 16 sensors.)
I'm running the program in such a way that it takes sensor data and checks it for validity every ".1" seconds and prints the data along with a few other things such as a "time stamp" to an SD card. currently this program is running for 6000 x 5 minute cycles. Now at the ~4000 cycle mark, however, I'm noticing that an LED used to indicate the passage of every .1 of a second seems to be periodically delaying...about once a second. This leads me to believe that the delay is due to the print function. Since this doesn't happen when the program first starts, I have to assume this has something to do with the ever increasing file size.
Is this a correct assessment? If yes, is there any way to eliminate the delay, aside form, say, using multiple files?