I know very little about electronics, so please bear with me.
I am trying to use an Arduino UNO and a WS2803d to control a led light strip SMD5050 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ASHQQKI/). I was able to control the strip directly using the Arduino's PWM, but have been unable to get the WS2803d to work. I have used several different pieces of code from similar projects, but have been unable to get the WS2803d to pass on anything to the led strip.
I attached a picture of the breadboard. I tried a number of different configurations. With and without decoupling capacitors, with and without the resistor for IREF. I also tried a few different WS2803d chips, but I bought them all off of ebay so I wonder if perhaps they are all dead?
If someone has any ideas of what else to try, or something that has worked for them it would be great.
Thank You!