WS2811 Led strip - how many amps?

I got an 1M 144LED/M WS2811 Led strip - where can I see how many amps it requires?
I only see it requires 5VDC nothing about amps.
product link:
Thank you if you can help me or know where I can find the information about how many amps it requires.

"144LEDs/Meter , ws2811 IC built-into the 5050 lamp..."

Built-in, so they're kind of dense-packed, haven't seen that before.
So there are 144 LED modules / meter, looks like they take up about 1/2 inch each, so that must be right.
Assuming they might/could all be on at any particular time, then I suppose you will have to budget 20 mA (?) each LED, as such, 60 mA per module, that could be nearly 9 A (peak demand).
What to do?
You can gather some preliminary data, in the meantime, without the capacity to go full-throttle.
Do some "DVT": turn on one module, go through some colours; then a few; then extrapolate.

It's 9 amps if you set them all to color (255,255,255).

(Yes, those strips can draw a LOT of current...)

I'd spec at least a 12A power supply if they're going to be on for long periods of time with bright colors. 15A if there can be a lot of white.

50 arrived yesterday ws2811, if you look closely the wafer is exposed and you can see all the colors of the spectrum (since the epoxy protects them)

but yeah 20ma per R G B 60ma per LED * 120 = 7200ma (7.2amps) or 5v * 7.2amps 36watts.

Aim for a 50watt power supply or it will run on the hot side. 5v 10amps .

It's 9 amps if you set them all to color (255,255,255).

It's 9 amps peak whenever the (their) "on times" coincide.
That could be with all of them set at "1,1,1", too.

True, but there's decoupling on each LED and no synchronization between then so the chance of (1,1,1) drawing 9A is low.

OTOH a low probability is still a real possibility. Unless you're only going to switch on a few LEDs at a time, plan for maximum current draw.

ws2811 144led/m 43.2A.

ws2811 144led/m 43.2A.

Do you mean 43.2 WATTS ?

Year old topic again.
Perhaps try a post in the Products & Services forum instead.

yes. Right, 144led=5V X0.06AX144=43.2W/M. learn more please feel free to contact
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In fact all four of his posts are self-advertising !