I bought some loose WS2811S ICs (about a year ago, can't find the ali express lot) but I'm having some issues with connecting them to my Mosfets.
I tested the ICs (with individual LEDS) and they are working fine.
Since my ledstrip works on 12V (9LEDS per strip/IC) and the ICs operate on 5V, I was thinking of using some IRFZ44N Mosfets(I got a couple 100 lying around here) to bridge the 5V part and the 12V part.
But since the common out of the WS ICs is 5V. I don't really know how to properly wire it.
Could someone tell me if its possible with the components I got and aid me in how to wire it?.
The IC controlled by a Arduino Mega 2560 (slightly overkill but its just for testing).
Eventually the meaning is that I can control the different ICs over artnet(Network based DMX protocol used in lighting equipment).
Thanks in advance!
Couple pictures below showing the key components.