

My problem: I've written the code for using an WS2812b strip with 7 LEDs as a rpm led bar. Input is hall effect sensor. It works pretty fine, but unfortunately, the led bar doesn't restore when theres no further input and I don't get it done. So the LEDS stay on until a new Input occurs.

I'm pretty new on this subject, so pleas excuse my lack of knowledge!


#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

const int LED_PIN = 5;
const int TACH_PIN = 2;
const int BRIGHTNESS = 100;
const int LED_COUNT = 7;
const int REDLINE = 1180;

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

bool blinkState = true;
unsigned long lastBlinkUpdate = 0;

volatile unsigned long lastIgnitionTime = 0;

void recordIgnition() {

 lastIgnitionTime = millis();
 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(TACH_PIN), calculateRpm, RISING);

void calculateRpm() {

 unsigned long ignitionTimeDelta = millis() - lastIgnitionTime;

 int rpm = 1000.0 / ignitionTimeDelta * 60;

 Serial.print("RPM: ");

 setRpm(rpm * 10);

 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(TACH_PIN), recordIgnition, RISING);

void setup() {
 // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:

 pinMode(TACH_PIN, INPUT);
 pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
 //strip.setBrightness(BRIGHTNESS);; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'

 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(TACH_PIN), recordIgnition, RISING);

void loop() {

void setRpm(int rpm) {

 int rpmPerLed = REDLINE / LED_COUNT;

 for(int led = 0; led < LED_COUNT; led++) {

   if((led+1)*rpmPerLed <= rpm)
     strip.setPixelColor(led, getColor((led+1)*rpmPerLed, 1));
   else if(led*rpmPerLed < rpm && (led+1)*rpmPerLed > rpm) {
     strip.setPixelColor(led, getColor(rpm, (double)(rpm-(led)*rpmPerLed)/rpmPerLed));
     strip.setPixelColor(led, 0, 0, 0);  


uint32_t getColor(int rpm, double intensity) {
 int red = rpm/(double)REDLINE * 255 * intensity;
 int green = (1-rpm/(double)REDLINE) * 255 * intensity;
 int blue = 0;

 return strip.Color(red, green, blue);  

void restore () {

When the input falls below a threshold clear the LEDs then update the strip.


How can i write it to the code?

This turns all the LEDs off:

for(int led = 0; led < LED_COUNT; led++)
strip.setPixelColor(led, 0, 0, 0);


thanks for your quick answer, it's seems absolutely logic, but where should i put these lines?

Put this code in a separate function.

Run the function whenever you want to turn off all the LEDs.
