WS2812BECO 8x32 Matrix Scrolling Text weirdly "wiggling"

Hello I got a 8x32 LED MATRIX and use it in Combination with a Arduino Uno,

The Matrices DIN goes to my Arduino PIN 6
The Matrices 5v goes to my Arduino 3,3V output(because it doesnt lit up when using 5V)

Second. I tried setting up the Adafruit NeoMatrix library and there example code to desplay a Scrolling Text but it just wiggles weirdly arround, whenever I put my delay(to display the text faster) lower it is possible to see whats actually written.

VIDEO to Problem: -> 8x32 Matrix LED wiggling - YouTube

Third Problem white LED on bottom right stays always on no matter what I do. As soon as I power on the Matrix it lits up.


#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoMatrix.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

#define PIN 6

Adafruit_NeoMatrix matrix = Adafruit_NeoMatrix(32, 8, PIN,

const uint16_t colors[] = {
  matrix.Color(204, 0, 204), matrix.Color(204, 204, 0), matrix.Color(0, 255, 255),
  matrix.Color(255, 10, 127), matrix.Color(127, 0, 255), matrix.Color(0, 255, 0),
  matrix.Color(255, 99, 255)};

void setup() {

int x = matrix.width();
int pass = 0;

void loop() {
  matrix.setCursor(x, 0);
  matrix.print("PURE BS");

  if( --x < -110 ) {
    x = matrix.width();

    if(++pass >= 8) pass = 0;
  • Listenelement

I don't understand your connections. Why do you use 3.3v anywhere, if both arduino and matrix used 5v power?
Please show your schematics

Thats because the Matrix stays Off while using 5V it only lits up using 3,3V :confused:
Also Changed Arduinos already

From what to what?

You need to change it from a 5V Arduino to an Arduino that uses 3V3.

I have two time the Arduino Uno and tried Both. Gonna try it with a Nano and report back :saluting_face:

Waste of time, it will be the same.

When you say it lights up, do you mean it works as expected, or is it just some pixels activity. In which case it means nothing.

Those Pixels are WS2812 so they take bout 20 mA pre colour per LED.

So 8X32 LEDs is 256 LEDs and at 60mA each the whole thing can take a current of 0.06 * 256 = 15.36 Amps. You can't run this from an Arduino, you need a separate power supply.

So please post a schematic of your circuit. Have you got a series resistor in the data line and large capacitor across the power pins of the display.

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That means nothing - it is designed to work off 5V so it needs 5V, connecting it up to the 3V3 power supply is only going to overload the power regulator on the Uno and with a 5V signal from the Arduino it will also potentially damage the first LED in the matrix.

So Lights up means it does that whats shown in the Video. The screenshot is what I have right now, Bottom right LED is the only one "working"

Edit made an Error 3,3V means 5V
tried my best with Eagle

Thanks for that. I see that there is no connection between the External power supplies' Ground and the Arduino's ground. That might well cause this problem.

You seem to have perpetuated this error on your schematic.

You are often best just drawing it by hand and photographing the paper.

So the External Power source ground is Connected now with the Arduino Ground, Matrix ist still off

Problem Solved by switching out the first LED on the Matrix, it was damaged and I replaced it. I must have blown it up by Accident. Now it works flawless. Thanks @Grumpy_Mike for your effort

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