The concat() method seems to work, now the next error comes up.
I want to use the sketch here:
But now I'm stuck with an error message telling me "class string has no memeber named "contains". This happens at the line "
It looks to me like I require an additional library, like String, but I have Version 0021 that to my knowledge should contain all the string commands.
Any advice on this... can I be more clear in some way?
Two possibilities. One is to edit the library to add a capacity() member, and continue to use that.
The other is to look at how Strings are now implemented, to see that the _capacity (private) field is simply used to determine if a given String object has room to add the new characters. If it doesn't, another (larger) memory allocation is performed, and the existing data copied to the new location, and the old location is freed. Effectively, String objects are now unlimited in size (constrained only by the actual memory available at any given point in time), so the capacity of a string is irrelevant. So, quit asking. There WILL be enough room.
ok that sounds a little copmlicated for a novice like myself.
any chance for an idiots guide? x3 im trying to get a gps sketch to work that i found here but it uses wstring.h and that capacity bit is preventing compile since i have no wstring.h or the rest of that particular lib.
im not really a coder so i cant work out the complex things.