'www' directory not being copied to SD card on Yún


I am working on a sketch that has a web control panel. I started by following the directions included in the http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/TemperatureWebPanel#.UxDcV_RdUs0 example included with the Bridge Library examples. I sshed into my Yun and created the directory structure '/mnt/sd/arduino/www/' leaving the directory empty.
The documentation indicates that anything in 'www' in the sketch folder will be uploaded. When I run the example this does not occur.

As a check, I modified the http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/FileWriteScript example to write to the relevant directory. It executed the application properly and wrote the file to '/mnt/sd/arduino/www'

So the equipment is in good working order, in that I can upload a sketch that writes to the SD card. What is not functioning in this case is the IDE's 'automagic' upload from the sketch folder.
Running Arduino 1.5.6_r2 on OSX mavericks.

Any clarity here would help. While I can certainly create a work around sketch that writes my html files explicitly to the SD card. I would like to use this IDE feature if possible.

Thanks in advance for any clarity that can be lent.



I am having the same problem

My problem came from the fact that I copied and pasted the sketch from the website then uploaded to my Yún. :blush:

Have to open the sketch that is in @your_arduino_folder@\libraries\Bridge\examples\TemperatureWebPanel
Worked great as soon as I did that. :smiley:

Make sure you're uploading to the Yun over its internet connection instead of the USB to serial cable. I.e. the Port in Arduino should be 'Arduino at (Arduino Yun)'. I just ran into a similar issue and realized programming over the serial port doesn't copy any files. This makes sense because using the serial port will only talk to the ATmega processor, however the IDE doesn't give you any warning that files, etc. aren't being copied.