There is a need for a x10 controller that does not require your PC to be powered up all the time. I've tried a few times to find a reasonable x10 controller but not since the CP290 days has that type of controller existed at a reasonable price.
If you can't buy it then you must make it - who said that?
Well anyway I'm nearly done. I used VS2010 both Visual Micro and CSharp to combine data base, EEprom, x10 interfacing and the like.
I'll over the next weeks I'm fully documenting my effort, website is
How does the CM17A remember any stored x10 commands? The CM17a is stupid because your PC must always be on to run a x10 command at a certain time. The CP290 controller stored commands that were sent to it the CM17a is a communication device not a controller.
None of the devices shown on the webpage you provided work without a PC always on, no not one of any of those devices stores commands for timed execution. CM17a or CM11a or CM19a are not standalone controllers I used them all...dumb, dumb and dumber, LOL
My project be a stand alone controller by this weekend!!! Everyone can duplicate it if they want to. I'll be posting the sketch, PC interface program, schematics and parts list over the next couple of weeks. Target cost is $50 or less in parts.
Presently direct commands work so the DB table needs to be sent over the USB cable, yet. Tonight maybe for stored commands in the Arduino at specified times 'on and off'.
The CM17a is stupid because your PC must always be on to run a x10 command at a certain time.
So who said a cm17a has to be operated from a computer (besides you)? "I used VS2010 both Visual Micro and CSharp" and "PC interface program" sounds pc involved. So what part does the arduino play in the project?
Do you have CM17a that will turn x10 devices on and off on its own? It stores the x10 commands that are executed at a particular time daily/weekly without another controller? If so, tell me how... Do you know what CP290 is?
And I quote." FireCracker Software>
Using the software, you send commands to the computer interface that you've plugged into the back of your computer (see above). The interface sends commands to the transceiver module, which translates the wireless signal into an X10 signal."
Never does it say it stores any commands.
Just what I want my PC on all the do timed commands, umm.
Do you have CM17a that will turn x10 devices on and off on its own? It stores the x10 commands that are executed at a particular time daily/weekly without another controller? If so, tell me how... Do you know what CP290 is?
Well, I did some checking for info on the CP290 and I do remember when it was made and sold a long time back. It appears to now be extinct and no longer available, so anybody duplicating you project will probably have difficulty obtaining the CP290. If you still have one, then your project will work for you. For those looking for a similar (and possibly less expensive) x10 project, I'd just have an arduino/mega hold the programming instead of the CP290, and control the x10 modules by connecting the cm17a (~$8 on ebay) to the arduino and use the x10 TM751 transceiver (~$13) as the house wiring interface. I web controlled some x10 stuff a long time ago using the apache web server on a pc with the cm17a attached. Add an ethernet shield and web control could also be added. The below site has a lot of cm17a info, including the serial control protocol. The bottom site has a somewhat over priced basic cm17a x10 control setup.
I have a CP290 and it interfaces via RS232 to my PC with a vintage windows' program. It is not involved in my project at all.
1- When it fails as my CP290 did back in the 90s did there is no replacement available. (So if you can't buy it -make it!!!) this is why I'm doing this project.
2- If I want a command to turn off a light at midnight I send a rs232 message with that command to do that off command and the CP290 stores that command. So each and every night at midnight off goes the light. When I typically turn off my PC at 11PM I know the light will still go off at midnight because the CP290 is a standalone controller.
I sincerely hope you understand that concept.
The CM17a is NOT a controller with command memory which holds commands within its memory it is a PC communication device only. Your link to the CM17a description never says it stores commands because the seller lets you believe you can controller your x10 system with a PC and doesn't tell you that your PC must be "ON" to do it with their software after midnight. The CP290 is a true command controller!!! Oh by the way, try to get help form the x10 website either by phone or email after you buy a CM17a, LOL. CM17a or any x10 Communicator you have suggested is NOT a STANDALONE command memory controller.
I guess I have assumed that most people will understand the problem. I thought I explain it clearly on the Home page, um.
Should I do a webpage just to explain this dilemma .
Today I have a fully functioning x10 system with ONs, OFFs and Alarms with a CP290 and no PC is powered on. I'm making a 'CP290 "2.0" with an Arduino' controller as a REPLACEMENT UNIT. That's it.
Maybe I'll make you a web star with posting our conversations on the website. It might help others understand better
What do you think? Can I use your ZoomKat handle in the footnotes? Nice name.
Well to get back to facts, I posted "I've got a couple of the below cm17a firecrackers saved back for future x10 projects." Then based on that statement, you flipped out and started a strange rant about the cm17a not being a standalone controller, not operating on its own, yada yada, yada... You generated that stuff in your head, as I never claimed the cm17a had any of those capabilities. I think I have a good understanding of what you are trying to do (replace the CP290 functions with an arduino?). I looked at your project and there seems to be an unaddressed gap as to how the arduino will interface with the 120vac system in your house. In my project ideas the cm17a setup would provide an inexpensive, safe (isolated), and portable interface between the arduino and the 120vac house wiring.
Thank you very much for your link. You understand me. I'm going to consider using the CM17a/TM751 combo after this weekend as communicator it seems somewhat safer than the TW523.
I can't figure out why the TM751 would be safer than the TW523 but experiences vary.
I've been completely satisfied with my 'home automation' for several years now. Consequently I don't get out much anymore regarding X10.
However I was surprised to see that the PSC05/TW523 have all but disappeared in my absence. Those left seem to sell at scalping prices.
Enddoc, please feel free to use whatever you wish from my blog under the condition that you don't call me Mr.
BTW, I have been working with someone who is adding my PSC05/TW523 'receive' code into Tom Igoe's x10.lib. Finally, send and receive will both be in one lib.
Completed Cable Tester Card,
This card will guarantee the connections to the TW523 x10 Line Interface is correct.
Wiring and Sketch are provided as separate sub-pages. 8)
BTW, I have been working with someone who is adding my PSC05/TW523 'receive' code into Tom Igoe's x10.lib. Finally, send and receive will both be in one lib.
Hey BroHogan!
Any update on the library? I have been searching for one that works with 1.0.1 and Tom Igoe's (and your code) seems to be the easiest.
I tried Thomas Mittet's code and it is a lot more complicated!
Quick reply . . .
I've been testing some libs from the guy who was kind enough to do the integration. The receive function seems to be working fine, but I seem to have reliability issues with the original send functions. I need to test more but I have been busy.
For some reason the X10 lib has been changed to follow the Wire functions and the repeat parameter was removed. He added repeat back in, but transmit still seems inconsistent to me.
Maybe I should post what I have and get another opinion on it.
I would be happy to test it out.
I work in the morning so I probably won't get to it until the weekend, but like I said, I would be happy to test it out and let you know my results.