Xbee 2.5 I/O passing -


I'm very new to xbee and arduino development. Most of the guides for I/O passing with xbee seem to use series 1.

From what I've read on this forum and others it is possible to use series 2.5 for I/O passing however i can't seem to get it working!

I have one photodiode connected to a xbee usb explorer - D4 with ADC set in x-ctu (note:- ZNET 2.5 ROUTER/END DEVICE AT)

And on the receiving end I have a xbee 2.5 connected to a DFROBOT xbee arduino sheild. With the COORDINATOR AT firmware, setting D4 to ADC.

I have removed the atmega chip and using the board as a serial interface as i would expect to see something in the terminal when the value changes on the transmitter (Please correct me if i'm wrong).

On the receiving end I want to display the light level from the transmitter using a LCD(this shouldn't be an issue)

Could someone tell me what x-ctu settings to use on the transmitter and the receiver?
Do I need to use the API firmware on the coordinator?

Any help/hints/tips would be great.

Thanks Daniel

From what I understand the I/O line passing used in series 1 Xbee's does not work in Series 2. The sensor data is burried in the API framework.

Here is a decent project writeup i found where a guy reads an analog value and sends it every 4seconds. could give you some idea. It also has the code he uses to parse the API data for his sensor data.


If you don't need mesh networking use series 1. They are much easier to use.

Dan_robo, I believe you need to be running the API firmware on the XBee radios to use send an analog sample. That's what I did in the project at Wireless Temperature Sensor | Project Lab

One radio was a coordinator running API firmware, the other an end device running API firmware. Then just set an analog pin to value '2' (I used pin 19 which is parameter D1). And set the IO sampling rate (parameter IR) to some value. I set parameter IR to 1000 (which in hexadecimal is 4096 ms). Of course the radios need to have each other's destination address configured so they can hear each other.

After doing that everthing should work. The sender radio will send an IO sample from one of the pins every 4 seconds. The code to parse the API frames is a bit complex, but have a look and compare it to the Digi documentation and you'll figure it out.