So I have a setup of two XBee PROs, which I use to transfer text messages from one Arduino to another. Each module is connected via a Sparkfun breakout board to a Teensy 3.2.
The two XBee modules can "talk" to each other fine, but there's some strange behavior going on:
Every 30 seconds or so, the communication stops for 7-12 seconds. After that, it gets working again and repeats the same cycle.
Now, I'm not sure exactly what's going on - it's either the "sender" not sending its assigned messages, or the "receiver" not receiving anything, or both.
I was wondering if anyone had this type of problem before, or if you know what could cause this type of thing.
Some additional data - the two XBees are configured to 115200 baud rate (as are the Teensy serial ports, of course). I've tested them with 9600, 19200 and 57600 rates - still, very similar behavior (the off/on times were a little different, but other than that - same). The setup has been tested with several different 900 MHz antennas (or is it antennae?).
Anyway, I'd appreciated any kind of help.