Xbee Adapter with wrong capacitor

Hi Guys,
I have received my adafruit xbee adapters today and I want to assemble it. However, when I was checking the part list from here : Xbee Adapter - Parts list
, I realized both adapters that I have received contain 47uF capacitors instead of 100uF as mentioned in the part list of the website.

because both of them has the 47uF instead of 100uF, I thought maybe the design has been changed.

so I am wondering if I solder the 47uF to the circuit board, does it work?

Wouldn't you be better off asking LadyAda that?

yes but the problem is I have to wait till Monday, and I have a deadline on Monday. I can't wait

As far as I can see in the schematics the capacitor in question is "just" a buffer for the 5V supply. Should be no real problem to use a 47µF instead of a 100µF. But as always do it on your own risk!