Hi everyone,
I'm thinking about using the Arduino with and 3-axis Accelerometer to measure Vibration. That will require that the sampling rate for the sensor be at least at 400Hz. I will have to use a 9v battery connected to the Arduino to read and log the data, because I won't be able to have a laptop connected where the sensor will be placed.
One alternative that I thought was using the Xbee, so I could read the data and save in a Excel file, for example. What I'm not really sure is about the sampling rate. I saw in some forums that it is possible to transmit data through the Xbee at 2.5ms, or 400Hz, but maybe if I have to do that for the 3-axis I'm afraid that it might be slower.
The other way of doing this is having a SD card slot connected to the Arduino, that way I could use a memory card to save the data, and read the values later after running the test.
The accelererometer I will use is the ADXL335. In the specsheet it says that it can run at 550Hz for all 3-axis, so it should be alright.
Which idea do you think will be better for that?