I'm having serious problems to use my Xbee PRO Series 2 modules from Digi with my two Arduino UNO boards.
The code of each module is: XBP24BZ7WIT-004J-revE
I used X-CTU to set the first xbee module as Coordinator with API with API Mode to 2 and the second one as Router with API with API Mode to 2.
The I used Series2_Rx and Series2_Tx examples which are included in the Xbee library which I downloaded from GitHub - andrewrapp/xbee-arduino: Arduino library for communicating with XBee radios in API mode
The problem is that my modules does not receive or send anything: it seems that they are not able to communicate and also that they are not able to send or receive any data.
They seems to be dead even if i'm able to communicate with them if I use AT commands with AT firmware.
Can you help me to solve my problem, please?