Xbee -> C# Communication

I've looked through the forum, but was unable to find the equivalent of my problem (perhaps I'm not good at searching)

The problem is as follows: I have a pc hooked up to an xbee, and an arduino hooked up to an xbee. I can communicate c# exe->xbee->xbee->arduino (I've tried lighting up the led with my c# program). But when I try to go the other way (send a char with arduino and have c# read the serial port), I get a bunch of garbage (ie if I send 'A' every second, I get EFEF, a bunch of F's, and then the EFEF is repeated.). The garbage is different based on what I try to send with the arduino, but it doesn't equal the message that I send (and I'm really only reading out the data on the serial port).

So the question then is what do I need to do/not do in order to see the proper data that I'm sending?

I'm really new to the whole XBee/Wireless Communication in general, so please take it easy on me ^.^

So the question then is what do I need to do/not do in order to see the proper data that I'm sending?

Pretty simple, really. Post the sender and receiver code, and we can tell you what is wrong. Without seeing any code, we'd just be guessing.

First guess is that there is a baud rate issue that isn't obvious when sending only one character.