xbee configuration issues

Hi all,
I'm not sure if this topic is appropriate for the arduino forum, please let me know if it isn't. I have an issue with configuring the xbees using the sparkfun explorer USB.

I have two xbee pro 900 XSCs. One is connected to the sparkfun xbee shield, and one is connected to the usb explorer. Both have the sparkfun rpsma duck antenna 900/1800MHz Dual Frequency Duck Antenna - RP-SMA - WRL-09143 - SparkFun Electronics. I uploaded a simple sketch to echo a signal from one xbee to the other, and to serially print the information to a com port. It works! (kind of) The network is echoing a signal I send, however it comes back as gibberish, which suggests an issue with their configuration. The com ports are set to 9600 baud, the serial port is set to 9600 baud.

I have attempted to configure the xbees following the jeremy blum tutorial Tutorial 9 for Arduino: Wireless Communication – JeremyBlum.com, my problem is that everything I type in after "+++" shows up as an error.
B/C this isn't a coding problem I am unsure of how to fix this issue. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to go about investigating this problem?

or, does anyone know a good way to configure an xbee such issues are easier to debug?

This problem comes up every day around here.

Without repeating all the s.o.s., I'll just say, if you're using an Arduino board with 328 chip,
you cannot connect both the XBee to pins 0,1 and do USB debugging at the same time,
because the signals will conflict.

Thanks for the insight!...that does seem to be a common problem with a lot of sparkfun shields.

got any idea for the configuration problem?

I'm not using an arduino for that, just the sparkfun usb explorer

I haven't configured the XSC modules, only the Series 1 [2.4Ghz] ones. The Series 1 come
from the factory [or at least they used to] set to talk to one another at 9600 bps without
any configuring.

If you're just getting garbage after "+++", they your hardware interface is not correct.

What is "usb explorer". What XBee module/shield do you have connected, and to which
computer [PC or Arduino], when you are trying to do the config?

Which Arduino board are you using?

I have my own board, and am not using XBee shields. One trick you can do, if the h.w.
is appropriate, is to hold the Arduino chip in reset [jumper pins 5,6 on the ICSP hdr], and
then "cross-connect" the XBee to the TX,RX header pins, so the USB port is talking straight
to the XBee, and bypassing the Arduino chip. Then, you can use "+++" from your PC to
configure the XBee.

for the configuration, I'm not using the arduino at all. I'm using the "sparkfun usb explorer" found here:

my xbees are xbee pro 900 xsc. found here:

XBee Pro 900 XSC RPSMA - WRL-09087 - SparkFun Electronics?

with this, I'm just using the PC for configuration, by connecting the usb from the serial port to the usb explorer

with this, I'm just using the PC for configuration, by connecting the usb from the serial port to the usb explorer

I imagine that sooner or later you'll get around to telling us what operating system you are using.

I've not used the USB explorer, however it should be a snap to use. Did you
"You will need to manually enable the pull-up on the 900MHz series" ?
Did you install the FTDI drivers?


I'm using 64 bit windows 7

I'm using 64 bit windows 7

Then you should get the X-CTU program from digi.com, and use that to configure the XBees. It has some good error detection built in, and will often tell you exactly what the problem is.


I have a 1 kohm pullup on the usb board

the xctu website says it doesn't support 64bit windows

the xctu website says it doesn't support 64bit windows

I'm running X-CTU on a Win7 64 bit box. It works fine in 32 bit mode. It installs in the correct folder (where the 32 bit apps are banished to).

I see. I will try that then.


I tried connecting the pullup to the 3.3V connection and Din, it didnt seem to work. I connected it to the 5V connection and Din, and my com port wouldn't recognize the device.

Given the various things you've said, receiving "gibberish" sounds like incorrect baudrate
setting, the other thing sounds like FTDI drivers may not be installed.

I've installed x-ctu. It works fine, thanks PaulS. I have configured the xbees, and they seem to be working fine individually, but they still are not communicating properly. I have a pullup resistor connected between Din and 3.3V on the USB explorer. on the arduino shield, the switch is set to uart, and I've uploaded this sketch. The shield was not plugged in when the sketch was uploaded.

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
    Serial.print((char) Serial.read());

Sometimes it prints "y"s with umlauts.

The shields power led and DI05 LED stay lit when powered. When I send an "echo", the recieve and xmit LEDS on the shield flash. On the USB explorer, the xmit lights, but the receive LED never lights. If these are both configured properly, would this suggest that something is going in the shield such that it is transmitting a different signal than the signal it receives?


The baud rates are all the same.

The ftdi drivers all all installed and up to date

I always deal with int's instead of chars, but try this,

Serial.write( (char)Serial.read() );