Xbee configuration with Arduino Uno


I'm having difficulties configuring Digis Xbee2 modules. I was trying to follow the setup given here HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT and the only modification is the use of a voltage divider at tx->din. When I use X-ctu test/query it says action required, unable to communicate with modem and recommends to press the reset switch, but it doesn't solve the problem. Is there something apparent that I'm missing?


When you opex the X-CTU software, did you search for and update all the drivers that the program could possibly use for different versions of XBees? I know when I was having comm problems with my XBee units, I just told it to update the drivers, and once it was done, I was able to talk to my XBees.

Ok, do you mean the new versions in the modem configuration tab?

Additionally the tx led on the arduino board doesn't blink at all. If I write something in terminal only the rx led blinks. Is that normal?