Xbee Pro 900HP Arduino to Arduino Wireless

Hello, I just started a wireless project and could use some advice. I purchased:


2x Xbee Pro 900HPs with Crius module adapter

My set up is two Arduino Uno's with an Xbee each, on their own computer. Wiring on both is Rx and Tx as in code listed below, and power/ground from the Xbee module.

My goal is to press a button (Arduino button tutorial) on one Xbee and have the LED light up on the other(like on the Blink tutorial), or vice versa(wireless without USB cables attached), and in that hopefully be able to distinguish between the two Uno/Xbee for sending and receiving data within the code.

I've used the XCTU software(6.3.0) to turn one into a coordinator and the other into a router, name them, update the firmware, and change the baud rate to 9600(the rest I left defaulted). I played around with the API modes but the only way I could currently get them to work is in transparent mode(code below). I've had a tough time with the settings, most tutorials and documentation is for non pro Xbees, pan id, channel etc. I've gone through Digi's site reading all the documentation I could find.

I tried many different codes from many different tutorials, but this is the only one I could get to work, so at least I know they're configured to be able to communicate.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial XBee(2, 3); // RX, TX

void setup()

void loop()
  if (Serial.available())
  if (XBee.available())

This sends input text back and forth via the serial monitors. Wiring is Rx and Tx as in code, and power/ground from the Xbee module.

Many of the tutorials I've tried to implement have a sender code for one Arduino/Xbee and receiver code for another, but most I've seen have done this via USB, but I'd like to be able be completely wireless. Potentially I'd like to attach some sensors on one Arduino/Xbee and be able to read the data on the other via LCD miles away with no computer monitoring.



Rx --> Tx
Tx --> Rx


Rx --> Rx
Tx --> Tx

Hi I am currently working in a similar project. It is possible to transfer data wireless between two arduinos?

It is possible to transfer data wireless between two arduinos?

If that is a statement, the punctuation is wrong. If that is a question, the verb and pronoun placement is wrong.

The correct statement is:
It IS possible to transfer data wirelessly between two Arduinos!