Lol. this Xbee thing is giving me more of a headache than i initially thought. Well, what i am trying to do is get 2 xbees to talk to one another. The first xbee is in the xbee shield. And the other xbee is connected to the microcontroller on a breadboard. Both xbees are recieing power and have green lights indicating they are alive. Now I downloaded X-CTU and I can preform a Read command and all of the data comes up correctly. However, I am unable to preofrm a write command to Update the Verson. When i try to do this i get
Getting modem type....OK
Programming modem...Lost communication with modem
Write Parameters...Failed
Also when I try to preform a range test in X-CTU I cant seem to get any infromation. When I start the test i only get
Timeout waiting for data
Timeout waiting for data
Finally, im sure I have connected everything correctly according to the website. Please help me!!