Xbee s1 with arduino wireless shield

Hi, i have two arduino uno, each one is connected to an arduino wireless shield and xbee s1 plug onto the shield, both also are connected to a pc through usb cable. i successed to make a wireless connection ( baud rate 9600) between the two shield and i could be able to read on the serial monitor what is the receiver can received. But my test is simple, for example i sent some words and switch on and off 2 leds on the receiver side. But the problem that when i tried to to connect the sender to a robot ( send huge amount data) i received them correctlly but slowely, for example i received the updated data after 1 sec. When i try to connect both arduino again to the pc and change the baud rate to higher one (115200) and try my simple example to send few words, i can read it correctly on serial teminal of the sender, but on the receiver side i receive gargbage symbols ! I searched a lot. But i am not sure if its possible to make the wireless communication with a baudrate higher that 9600 ? Any one have idea about a problem like this ! Thanks