XBee testing?

Excuse my newbieshness
I have got two ardunios (duemilanove 328s), two XBees sitting on respective xbee shields. The USBs from the boards connect to one laptop. When I use ATND in the terminal I get the address of the other XBee. But how do I go about sending data across? Is there a tutorial or an example somone could point me to?
I have looked at the ones that come with the XBee library but they don't do much for me. Anything simpler?
Thanks in advance.

Anything written to the serial port (using Serial.print, Serial.println, or Serial.write) on one Arduino will be transmitted to the other, by the XBees. There is nothing specific you need to do, beyond configuring the XBees correctly.

Which XBees (series 1 or 2/2.5) do you have, and how have you configured them?

Which XBees (series 1 or 2/2.5) do you have, and how have you configured them?

I am using series 1. I have configured one as an end device and the other as coordinator. When I do on either ATND i get the address details, etc of the other which obviously means they are talking. But when I run the range test in X-CTU nothing happens. Any thoughts on that?

Anything written to the serial port (using Serial.print, Serial.println, or Serial.write) on one Arduino will be transmitted to the other, by the XBees.

How do I monitor what's coming out of the other arduino? COM monitor?

Also, are the ATMega pins mapped onto the XBee pins through the shield?? Or would I have to wire board pins to XBee pins? I saw the schematic for the shield but didn't make much sense to me.

I configured mine a bit differently. On the 1st tab, the API box is unchecked. On the Modem Configuration tab, the 3 drop down lists contain XB24, XBEE 802 15.4, and 10CD, for both XBees.

After setting these 3 list items, you need to pick the Write button. Then, I set PAN ID for both to the same value. Then, I set MY for the 1st one, and DH for the 2nd one, to the same value. I used 8000, but you can use any value you like. Then, I set MY for the 2nd one, and DH for the first one, to the same value. I used 8002, but you can use any value.

Write, again, for both.

Then, on the Range Test tab, select start for both, and they should talk back and forth.

Once that works, the Arduinos simply needs to write to, or read from, the serial port to talk to each other.

Thanks. I'll give it a go.
My XBees are talking now. I removed the micros from both boards and put the jumpers in the usb position. Like you said before i saw characters fly from one to the other.

So now I am a bit confused about the shield. Like I said the schematic doesnt make an awful lot of sense to me. Are the XBee pins mapped onto the headers on the shield and thus to ATmega? What are J1 and JP4 on the schematic? Can you point me to an easier illustration of the shield please?

Can you point me to an easier illustration of the shield please?

Which shield do you have? The one I have does not break out many of the XBee pins to the Arduino pins.