XBee transparent mode frame

I am currently working with Xbees on transparent mode for an experimental project. For this experiment it would be necessary for me to know exactly what is in the Xbee frame in transparent mode (or packet). Right now i could only find the contents of the API mode.

Would it be possible to inform me of the structure of the transparent mode packet? Is there anything else other than the data i am sending to the TX pin? Is there a checksum? Does it add DH and DL to the packet (i am currently transmitting in broadcast mode)? How does packetization work on transparent mode?

Thank you for reading!

When in transparent mode, the bytes you send are the bytes you receive - nothing more (and hopefully nothing less, lol). That is, unless you get packet corruption due to radio interference/range issues.

In order to reliably transfer data in transparent mode, I suggest using a proven library for serial data transfer. SerialTransfer.h is one such library and works extremely well. If you have any questions on how to use it/how it works, I'd be happy to answer them.