Hello the community,
My goal is to send AT commands to several remote XBEE (Zigbee S2C) modules (standalone, i.e without Arduino) using my smartphone (BT4.0).
That works very well using an Arduino as a Gateway, which simply act as a converter between XBEE module (Digi S2C, connected to the Arduino) and Bluetooth module (HC-05, connected to the Arduino).
Smartphone <<<>>> (BT)[HC-05]--[Arduino]--S2C <<<>>> (ZB)[S2C]
My question is : "is it possible to do the same without the Arduino ?"
- XBEE nodes (S2C) and HC-05 have an UART.
- both can have same serial configuration (speed, parity ...)
- both have same level TX/RX (3.3V) i think
- just cross TX/RX between modules
I tried that and ... it works but only in one direction : for data send from my smartphone to a remote XBEE module.
So I can send an AT command but i don't have the answer (i.e I'm not able to receive data from remote XBEE node to my smarphone).
I'm stuck here and no more idea to go ahead.
Do you have an idea about what's wrong (may be in my mind ^^) ?
Note : I'm sure that all XBEE modules can talk together (tested with USB explorer boards).
Thanks !
Best regards,