xc4536 data logging module and arduino wifi rev2

I know this subject has been covered in some form before. But can anyone tell me if it is possible to use these 2 boards together somehow. A wiring diagram would be good.

have a look at data logging shield for the Arduino it describes the pins used under Arduino interface!

Thanks BUT it is a xc4536 shield not an Adafruit.

have you a link to the shield? I found this XC4536 shield which looks similar to the Adafruit

Thanks BUT it is a xc4536 shield not an Adafruit.

You are making too much of this. It doesn't matter who makes the shield, the SD goes on the SPI bus and the RTC goes on the I2C bus. If they don't, the manufacturers, will get their just reward, to wit, a very short career. The rest of the pins will be just pins.

If you really are interested in accurate time, you should check the on-board
RTC. Every board like this that I know of uses a DS1307, which are not that flash in this department, and you would be better off with a DS3231.