XFS5152 shield: looking for connector details

Hi all

I recently purchased a XFS5152CE module from China.
Unfortunately the model I received does not resemble the one I ordered (appart from the chip ID) so I have no clue how to connect to it.
The small 2 pin connector is obviously for the speaker but I am not sure what each on the 5 pins of the J1 connector are.

Does any one of you know this shield?



Hi All,

I did eventually find a site that sells the item I purchased:https://www.taobao.com/list/item/652825103758.htm

This states:
• Model : XFS5152CE
• Brand : HKUST Xunfei
• Working voltage : 5V
• Communication method : UART, I2C, SPI

I am dubious about the "communication method" as the only piece of info that shows any input about the connectors only mentions UART:


Has any one used this board yet?
The doc mentions that 4 communication speeds are supported "The baud rate can be set: 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 57600 bps, 115200 bps" but there is no explanation as to how to select the speed and what the default one will be (I suspect 115,200).


I can see from the IC connections that I2C and SPI are NOT connected, so it must be UART.
Also pins 55 and 56 are pulled HIGH so the Baud is set to 115,200.

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the fast answer.
Would you happen to know on the "J1" connector (the 5 pins connector) which one is pin 1 (DC_V5)? Is it the one near the black regulator or is it on the opposite side?
I assume that pin5 ("SPK_EN") is the pin that indicates that the module is busy (standing for "speaking engaged" or similar).

Pin 1 is usually the square pad. If you have a meter, test continuity between the plating around the PCB hole and the pins. The one that shows a connection should be Pin 2, GND.

Incidentally, DFRobot's Gravity: Speech Synthesis Module uses this chip, and they provide a driver library that may work with your board.

(I've been trying to find an XFS5152 board for a while, but all the AliExpress vendors sell me SYN6988 modules. These are slightly different from the XFS5152, but I can make them work.)

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