I was trying to get my new uno set up and as soon as I connected the usb the green power light came on but so did the yellow blinking led. I had no open port labeled arduino either so no drivers installed. Using xp. Also should I be wearing a grounding strap? Thanks, Newbick
I was trying to get my new uno set up and as soon as I connected the usb the green power light came on but so did the yellow blinking led. I had no open port labeled arduino either so no drivers installed. Using xp. Also should I be wearing a grounding strap? Thanks, Newbick
Nothing to be concerned about at this time. Proceed with the IDE installation and driver installation and then see if the IDE can talk to the board.
I've never worn a grounding strap while playing with lots of arduino boards.
Appreciate the help. I've watched a few tutorials and nobody is grounded. That helps. I still don't know why the arduino didn't show up on the ports(com & lpt) but I'll try again. Thanks Lefty, Newbick
After copying the Arduino software (you don't really install it), go to the directory , then to the drivers directory.
Find the *.inf that corresponds to your board (that would be Arduino UNO REV3.inf or Arduino UNO.inf in your case), right click and install.
If the board has a FTDI USB/serial chip, you also install the FTDI driver form the folder you'll find at the same location.
Unplug and replug your board, and it should show up.
Thanks. When I right click arduino.inf it drops down :
There is no "install" option. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Pardon the ignorance, please.
Look for Unknown Device under Other devices in Device Manager.
Right click the Unknown Device in Device Manager
Select Update Driver Software
Select Browse my computer for software
Click Browse button
Select the Drivers folder under the location of your Arduino software installation. (Do not select the FTDI folder inside the Drivers folder)
Click OK
Click Next
Thanks. It installed. Now I see it under ports as arduino uno com 10. I still don't know how to open it to begin. I don't see an icon on the desktop. Any advice? Thanks again,Newbick
Thanks. It installed. Now I see it under ports as arduino uno com 10. I still don't know how to open it to begin. I don't see an icon on the desktop. Any advice? Thanks again,Newbick
I just right click on the arduino.exe file name and drag it to the desktop and create a shortcut, at least that works on windows XP.
Well, I searched and found four files labeled arduino.exe, one of which is just the logo which appears when I click on it and then disappears. Clicking on the others causes a screen to pop up that says windows cannot open the file and it needs to know which program created it. At least the yellow led stopped blinking. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, Newbick
I think you might have better luck with this Arduino installer package:
Mine is located here:
C:\Documents and Settings\Primary Windows User\My Documents\My Programs\Arduino\arduino-1.0.4\ arduino.exe
Ahhh, that did it. Got the installer and Net framework and installed in less than ten minutes. Thank you. Now I can go back to thinking I'm a genius. If anyone has any advice as to first projects I should try out... Thanks again,Newbick
Geniusses modify other's projects by putting their name in it ;).
So load the blink project found in your Arduino folder and upload it.
Then modify it so it will blink in some different way (figure out yourself how you could vary on the blink theme, there are a few ways to do this).
After that let's get an extra LED plus resistor and have double fun.
And some more LEDs.
Do baby steps at start, even those baby steps are fun as long as you figure them out.
There's a bunch of examples you can try from the Arduino/Examples folder.
Just loading them doesn't prove your genius.
Making them do your variant does.
Yes, geniuses modify others projects by putting their names on it. In fact that quote originated with some philosopher named Newbick. Thank you guys for all the help and advice. I hope I can do the same for someone someday. Newbick