(Yet another) "can't upload to board"

Opened up my Seeeduino, fresh out of the box (bag) and the first program I tried uploading (blink) gave me the following error.

avrdude: stk500_paged_write(): (a) protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x64
avrdude: failed to write flash memory, rc=-4
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51

Reset = 1 blink on pin 13
Upload code = 3 blinks on pin 13, and TX/RX LEDs flash a little.
Plug in = 1 blink on pin 13, pause, then about 7-8 blinks on pin 13. (It varies and seems random).

Seeeduino 328P
Windows XP. Com9

Is this a bootloader problem? If I try to burn the bootloader with the Arduino software it "cannot find usb"
I did notice at some point in my messing around the TX/RX lights stayed on constantly until I unplugged it.

I have no idea what to do.

If anybody has this problem, the solution is here.

I found the answer on another thread on this forum, the search function isn't too good.

If you have a Seeeduino, instead of Arduino's X3 use the UART.
pin 1 = CTS
pin 2 = DSR
pin 3 = DCD
pin 4 = RI