Hi: Stupidly bought several YFRobot expansion shields on eBay. I had gotten .cpp and .h supposedly by YFRobot. These are called sx1508.cpp and sx1508.h.
The .h defines many registers and these are addressed in the .cpp
I was taken back when I found no sx1508 (which contains all the registers) on the boards. The code is clearly marked "Creation date 01/18/22 @ YFROBOT.
The boards are marked YFRobot copyright 2014.
Went to YFRobot site (Chinese -English option) and found nothing.
Tried to join forum(?) so I could post question: "~Busy, come back later"
Anyone have any idea what I have run into here?
Boards are cute.
Can you link to that board? The boards I found offer only physical connection options but no active components (as the IO expander chips you mentioned).
Bought DFRobot Expansion Shields from Arduno. Description says:
Warning: Unlike most Arduino & Genuino boards, the MKR1000 runs at 3.3V. The maximum voltage that the I/O pins can tolerate is 3.3V. Applying voltages higher than 3.3V to any I/O pin could damage the board. While output to 5V digital devices is possible, bidirectional communication with 5V devices needs proper level shifting.
And where to do the level shifting?
You are correct. I am losing my mind.
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