(this should be a chuckle..) Make them true if possible!
You know you are a tech geek when....
You find resistors in the dryer lint trap..
You have 2,000 bulbs and 50 batteries, but not one working Flashlight..
8) 8)
Take it away!
(this should be a chuckle..) Make them true if possible!
You know you are a tech geek when....
You find resistors in the dryer lint trap..
You have 2,000 bulbs and 50 batteries, but not one working Flashlight..
8) 8)
Take it away!
You wife finds small round silver balls in the bathroom sink and thinks her fillings are coming out, rather than you have been wetting your soldering iron sponge. (true)
Or when you have had to apologize to your wife for burning a hole in the dining room tablecloth (carpet, family pet, etc) with said soldering iron..
The postman starts to just drop all packages in your garage, after getting tired of daily writing a note
Your neighbour doesn't accept the packages any more (but there are always other neighbours who do
You get big boxes the size and thickness of a Metropoliltan area Yellow Pages that turn out to be parts catalogs from Mouser, Newark, MSC, ...
Your wife gave you a component/part and said "I don't know what it is but I know it's yours. You still want it? I found it in the kitchen." (true) It was a 22pF cap. Just that you all know, I have 1000 22pF, 1000 100nF and will have 1000 tactile switches
she volunteers to solder those little tiny SSOP parts onto DIP adapters for you.
you read in the newspaper "....unionised..."
and see lack of ions
nops it a shop that got the unions in!
You order a dozen tactile buttons and the C&K sales representative calls to find out how they can help you get ready for the big roll-out.
Your dog's collar is a little larger than most and blinks.
You have 2,000 bulbs and 50 batteries, but not one working Flashlight..
What if you're a flashlight geek?
Okay, could still be true!
I wouldn't call myself a flashlight geek, but it's true that anywhere in my apartment, I'm within about 8' of at least one. But I don't mod them. (Or haven't yet)
... people talk about Transformers, and you wonder how a cartoon / movie about paired inductors could be that popular.
You've no idea where your passport, housing contract etc are but all your components are in the right compartments (or on your workench).
....your best friend (Tiffany Yep) is a model, but what really caught your attention is that she's also an engineer, which is why you're best friends...
...your collection of old computer hardware weighs more than you do, even through you're really overweight...
When you spend $500 on a computer JUST for coding...
When you own 10+ Arduino boards...
When you have enough boxes from stores with parts to build a 1:100th EARTH
...you make functional computers inside computer games...
...you (start to) code an OS out of boredom in the weekend...
...your room has parts of all kinds in every corner...
...your collection of old computer hardware weighs more than you do, even through you're really overweight...
Heck - my collection probably weighs more than my truck (ok - slight exageration there - but sometimes I step into my shop and wonder).
...let's see...
Not sure if this counts - but I've spent the last 2 weeks, every evening on the weekdays (4-5 hours a night) plus both weekends (many times staying up well past 3am - last Saturday, I pulled an all-night until 8:30am on Sunday) studying, taking notes, quizes, "homework", etc - on two free online Stanford classes (AI & ML); I've never worked so hard on something I didn't pay for. My wife hasn't divorced me...yet.
Yeah, that's not a great punch-line to the joke, I know...
studying, taking notes, quizes, "homework", etc - on two free online Stanford classes
These courses have changed my life
When you are a student and your idea of a good Saturday night is with your Arduino XD
Moderator edit: quote tags corrected.
I signed up, but got a job and have my actual school to worry about so I dropped out