Hi everyone,
I want to give an idea for my final project. I will tell you about that project:
I have 3 quadrotors and these quadrotors have ardupilots. One of these will be commander quadrotor and I will
control this quadrotor via computer. So i will setup a wireless network. This is first level of my project.
Secondly, other 2 quadrotors will controlled by commander quadrotor. For example; when i control commander
quadrotor, i will press a key on keyboard. Then, the commander quadrotor will send a command to take off the
other quadrotors. Then, when i will press another key, the other quadrotors will land.
Shortly, my project is in this way. All quadrotors have ardupilot(atmega 2560).
Now, What equipments do I need for sending and taking commands(xbee, arduino wifi shieldsi,...)? Do you know any
sources about computer controlled quadrotor?
For the Computer to Arduino part, see Arduino Playground - InterfacingWithSoftware. Covers pretty much every programming language you can think of.
For the Arduino to Xbee to Xbee to Arduino part, see EasyTransfer Arduino Library « The Mind of Bill Porter. This library really simplifies communicating between Arduinos over serial, and since Xbees have a serial interface it kinda makes it a done deal. There are a lot of non-Xbee devices that have serial interfaces so an Xbee specifically is not required, but I'll leave it to your discretion as to what might work better. I do know that Xbees are frequently used with RC planes for telemetry so they're kinda tried and true there.
For the Arduino to Ardupilot part, see Servo - Arduino Reference. This would let you send commands to the Ardupilot using the same method that an RC receiver would.
I know nothing about any of that stuff, but I commend you on your project. I hope it goes well and although I won't be able to help I'm looking forward to seeing this on YouTube!