Yun 17.11 Reboot prerelease

Hi, I have tried everything and it's not working. I tried on WiFi anb on Wired network too. Actually the Mac is on WiFi and the Yún is connected via ethernet cable. Why does it always stop with: Could not get your IP address, check your network connection

Enter server IP address:
Enter board IP address:
Found port: /dev/cu.usbmodem1421
USB ID     2341:8041
USB serial 
Using it
Restarting in bootloader mode
Get port list before reset
Wait for the port to disappear
Wait for the port to reappear
Found upload port:  /dev/cu.usbmodem1421
Flashing with command:/Users/alejandroimass/Downloads/Yun GO Updater 17.11/avr/bin/avrdude -C/Users/alejandroimass/Downloads/Yun GO Updater 17.11/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -patmega32u4 -cavr109 -P/dev/cu.usbmodem1421 -b57600 -D -Uflash:w:/Users/alejandroimass/Downloads/Yun GO Updater 17.11/avr/YunSerialTerminal.ino.hex:i
Wait for the port to disappear
Wait for the port to reappear
Found upload port:  /dev/cu.usbmodem1421
Rebooting the board
Using stop command: ard
Got shell: ar7240
fwShell: ar7240
Flashing Bootloader
182492 bytes sent
Setting up IP addresses
Could not get your IP address, check your network connection


If it already picked up an IP via DHCP it will be listed in your router DHCP list.

Worth checking that out as mine went right into DHCP after the update and the IP's were no longer viable Mine jumped into the system as (which is in my subnet)

Does this stuff work for the Arduino Yun Rev 2? It doesn't say so specifically and it was created well before the Rev 2 was released.

Please clarify.

This is cool, I tried to flash openwrt latest from old yun 1.5 whatever and it would not work, not sure if it was this thread I saw or found it elsewhere, but tried this and indeed it did update OK, he mentions a new bootstrap that expands the space for the root partition to allow later openwrt images to be loaded, If anyone can further clue me in on where that is from I would be interested to know. I would like to know from sub-basement up what is going on

Anyway, the process this did then allows latest openwrt to be loaded, why do that? latest versions of software/packages of course!

So, with latest openwrt do not bother with any of the usual yun bloat not even yunbridge, ttyS0 is not there anymore, all any programmer needs is to find out how to shut down the console on ttyATH0 (documented on openwrt wiki or forum) and then use stty or setserial to set baud rate a bit higher and do comms to arduino over that serial port, NICE.

I was having problems programming arduino side of yun without a network connection with this update, but with latest openwrt the arduino is not tied to the atheros anyway except through serial port and programming works fine in isolation.

btw, the yunserialconsole sketch does work after update to openwrt 18.06.04 if you set the baud rate to 9600 in the sketch not the 250,000 it defaults to.

A great board!

That said, this 17.11 reboot update has got ssl to luci and all the stuff someone who has played with all the arduino additions might want, though obviously not absolutely all things as someone on this thread was annoyed at. I tested bridge and remote gpio setting which is ok.

STM anyone reasonably skilled coming at this fresh may be better with going next step to latest openwrt, dropping bridge and just writing a python script on atheros side to communicate with their sketch over ttyATH0.

Essentially for playing with the several Arduino layers on top, this 17.11 is cool, but for doing something dedicated with the yun, step up to openwrt latest.