I have a project that uses a webUI to control and monitor the yun's sensors. The data displayed from the controller is being updated on the site page with zepto.js. I used the TemperatureWebPanel example project as a starting point. I'm sending text message alerts with runShellCommandAsynchronously() which runs a python script. This whole setup works ok for days or weeks at a time, but then the page no longer updates and I'm unable to access /arduino. Is there a log somewhere that could help me figure out why the bridge is failing?
Work around:
sonnyyu, Thanks for the reply. I hadn't heard of watchcat. I was not able to get the luci interface package to install, as I received an error that the package couldn't be found, but I've attempted to configure it with the following commands:
uci set system.@watchcat[0].period=12h
uci set system.@watchcat[0].mode=allways
uci set system.@watchcat[0].pingperiod=30
/etc/init.d/watchcat enable
The goal was to automatically restart the yun every 12 hours. I'm not really sure if this is actually happening or not. Is there a way to check that it is indeed running and rebooting the yun?
I still have an issue where even though the web interface is accessible, the arduino.local/arduino API points do not function after a couple of hours. I think it might have to do with the fact that I am using the passworded API option. I don't think I was having this problem when I had the API password setting turned off. Anyone else have a similar problem where the /arduino API endpoints become unavailable after a while?
The goal was to automatically restart the yun every 12 hours. I'm not really sure if this is actually happening or not. Is there a way to check that it is indeed running and rebooting the yun?
Set up periodic reboot every 5 mins for testing:
uci set system.@watchcat[0].period=5m
Wait for ~6 mins:
root@Arduino:~# uptime
15:41:33 up 1 min, load average: 0.15, 0.15, 0.06
"uptime" is key.
sonnyyu, Thanks for the reply. I hadn't heard of watchcat. I was not able to get the luci interface package to install, as I received an error that the package couldn't be found,
There are at least three packages repository:
- Yun
- Yun shield
- Linino
They are not equal. But since kernel is same as 3.3.8 most packages exchangeable.
Install it from Yun:
wget http://downloads.arduino.cc/openwrtyun/1/packages/Packages
root@Arduino:~# cat Packages |grep 'luci-app-watchcat'
Package: luci-app-watchcat
Filename: luci-app-watchcat_0.11+svn10537-1_ar71xx.ipk
wget http://downloads.arduino.cc/openwrtyun/1/packages/luci-app-watchcat_0.11+svn10537-1_ar71xx.ipk
opkg update
root@Arduino:~# opkg install luci-app-watchcat_0.11+svn10537-1_ar71xx.ipk
Installing luci-app-watchcat (0.11+svn10537-1) to root...
Configuring luci-app-watchcat.
I still have an issue where even though the web interface is accessible, the arduino.local/arduino API points do not function after a couple of hours. I think it might have to do with the fact that I am using the passworded API option. I don't think I was having this problem when I had the API password setting turned off. Anyone else have a similar problem where the /arduino API endpoints become unavailable after a while?
ping "arduino.local" from PC, list the both output (working/not working) here.