For a few days I'm trying to find a way to read from a database via a sketch.
I found some examples WRITING to a database like
Tried it. Works fine.
But now, how to READ....?
I tried the following code that did not crash, but did not produce results as well.
void runSqlQuery_GetName()
int iNumber = 0;
String sName = "";
// Start a shell process to run a command in the OS.
Process p;
// Which SQL engine are we going to use
String cmd = "sqlite3 ";
// commandline input
String paramstring1 = "-line " ;
// set the path and name of your database here
String paramstring2 ="/DB/test1.db ";
// insert a row with a number and a name
String paramstring3 ="'SELECT * FROM Name ;'";
// get the error code
String paramstring4 =" ; echo $?";
p.runShellCommand(cmd + paramstring1 + paramstring2 + paramstring3+ paramstring4);
Serial.println("process run: '" + cmd + paramstring1 + paramstring2 + paramstring3+ paramstring4 + "'");
// A process output can be read with the stream methods
while (p.available()>0) {
char c =;
if (c > 0)
// Ensure the last bit of data is sent.
sqlite> create table tbl1(one varchar(10), two smallint);
sqlite> insert into tbl1 values('hello!',10);
sqlite> insert into tbl1 values('goodbye', 20);
use Control+Z to exit sqlite shell
root@Arduino:/usr/bin/sqlite3 -csv -header /mnt/sda1/test.db "select * from tbl1;"
#include <Process.h>
void setup() {
Bridge.begin(); // Initialize the Bridge
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize the Serial
// Wait until a Serial Monitor is connected.
while (!Serial);
void loop() {
Process p;
p.runShellCommand("/usr/bin/sqlite3 -csv -header /mnt/sda1/test.db \"select * from tbl1;\"");
// do nothing until the process finishes, so you get the whole output:
while (p.running());
// Read command output. runShellCommand()
while (p.available()>0) {
char c =;
while(1) { };
void runSqlQuery_GetName()
int iNumber = 0;
String sName = "";
// Start a shell process to run a command in the OS.
Process p;
String sCommand = "/usr/bin/sqlite3 -csv /DB/test1.db 'SELECT * FROM Name;' ";
Serial.println (sCommand);
// do nothing until the process finishes, so you get the whole output:
while (p.running());
// Read command output. runShellCommand()
while (p.available()>0) {
char c =;
I knew I was making things to difficult.
Thank you very much.
Hello RensD, can you please explain to me where you got the files who are on the www of the yunadventure subfolder ?
thank you very much for helping
Hi. Of cause I would like to help you, but I hac no idea what you are referring to.
please explain, so I can sit you.