I have a problem with displaying an image from Yun's(!) SD card to an Arduino TFT.
I know how to display it if a use a TFT's SD slot. But I don't want to use two different SD cards.
I know that I must use a bridge. But I don't know how.
I would like to also warn you that when you use ISCP pins for TFT, "wifi uploading sketch" stops working and I don't know why. I receive an error like this:
avrdude: AVR device not responding
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
Hi There! Have you solved the Problem? I do have the same one! Uploading is possible while the TFT is disconnected but when it is connected I get the same "initialization failed, rc=-1" error....
Can somebody help?
Hallo! Hat jemand das Problem gelöst? Ich habe das selbe Problem beim Upload. Wenn das TFT angeschlossen ist bekomme ich diese "initialization failed, rc=-1" Fehlermeldung. Sobald ich das TFT weg lasse geht es, bekomme dann aber keine Bilder geladen... Kann mir jemand helfen?