Till now I had an Arduino Yun with Xbee shield and Xbee pro s2b. It received the xbee data from other node with the same Xbee serie. The data is sent to linino using the Bridge library and it worked fine. But now, I have changed the Xbee modules to s3b for increasing the distance between nodes and I can not communicate linino with 32U4.
I do not the reason. Could anybody help me?
Could you post your code, I know that subject is ils but It Concern my current project.
I need to get data from the Ethernet port and send it with Xbee S2C..
Just be careful if you are going to use an XBee shield - most of them used pins D0 and D1 for serial communications with the Arduino processor. Those shields will not work on the Yun, since pins D0 and D1 are needed for Bridge communications with the Linux side.
Some shields, like the one from SparkFun, include a switch that lets you use another set of pins, using SoftwareSerial to talk to the XBee. Unfortunately, a lot of those, including the one from SparkFun, use pins D2 and D3 as the alternate pins. Due to the way that pin change interrupts work on the '32U4 processor that runs the sketch, the only pins that can be used to receive SoftwareSerial data are pins 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 (MISO), 15 (SCK), 16 (MOSI). So those shields won't work with the Yun, either.
You can do some hacking of the shields, cutting some traces and adding jumpers, or you could look for a shield that is more flexible. For example, the Seeed Studio XBee Shield V2 looks promising as it can be configured to use any pins for Software Serial TX and RX. (I have no experience with any of these XBee shields, but this is the one that looks most promising for use with the Yun.)
Some shields, like the one from SparkFun, include a switch that lets you use another set of pins, using SoftwareSerial to talk to the XBee. Unfortunately, a lot of those, including the one from SparkFun, use pins D2 and D3 as the alternate pins. Due to the way that pin change interrupts work on the '32U4 processor that runs the sketch, the only pins that can be used to receive SoftwareSerial data are pins 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 (MISO), 15 (SCK), 16 (MOSI). So those shields won't work with the Yun, either.
Just those pins?
I'm using AltSoftSerial wich uses pins 5 and 13 and it works altough I have some issues but I think they are related to Console.print() and not to serial.
My comment was about the SoftwareSerial library, which is included with the core Arduino IDE.
AltSoftSerial is a different library, with its own restrictions, like ONLY working with pins 5 and 13. If you install different libraries into your Arduino IDE, like AltSoftSerial, you will of course have different abilities and limitations.