I am trying to use i2c to communicate between a nano and a zero, i have connected nano pins A4,A5
to the zero SDA, SCL via level shifter, but it does not work, is there a reason why it shouldn't?
(code wise i think i am ok because i was able to communicate between the nano and a Yun)
I was able to run an i2c example but only when zero is the master.
If the zero is the slave it never receives nor sends data.
Also using a third arduino as an i2c scanner i noticed that the zero always takes address no 40
regardless of the Wire.begin(address)
Any ideas?
The slave functionality does not work in the current version of the Arduino Zero/SAMD Core - I had the same problem.
The good news is that it is fixed and will hopefully be released in the next version (1.6.3?). If you want to get it working now you need to use the hourly-build code from github. See the instructions here: GitHub - arduino/ArduinoCore-samd: Arduino Core for SAMD21 CPU
thank you, i will take a look
I think next version will be 1.6.8
with the hourly boot loader and wire sketch the zero works
but the zero as slave responds to every address and not only to the one declared....
Note that the version of the Arduino Zero/SAMD core and the version of the GUI are not the same. You can check the core version through the board manager.
I will check the slave address issue this weekend...I need it to work too :o
You are right, i was talking about the ide releases.
The problem is fixed with the help of "sandeepmistry"
Take a look here:Wire.begin(address) address irelevant · Issue #93 · arduino/ArduinoCore-samd · GitHub