I bought a zs-040 Bluetooth Module for my first Bluetooth Project. I wired it All Up as described in the following Tutorial: http://howtomechatronics.com/tutorials/arduino/arduino-and-hc-05-bluetooth-module-tutorial/
But when I wanted to try I couldn't find the Module on my Android device and the LED on the zs-040 stayed off. I then thought that the Module was broken or I broke it and ordered a new one which arrived today.
In Order to not burn it by any mistake (again), I just wired a 5V Power supply to it which in my oppinion should be enough to activate Bluetooth and find the device on my Smartphone. But it isn't. No LED and Not findable...
What am I doing wrong? All I Can find on Google is "how to set AT Mode" which I don't need...
Thanks for your help!
I just wired a 5V Power supply to it which in my oppinion should be enough to activate Bluetooth and find the device on my Smartphone.
Indeed it should. Having two not working is too much of a coincidence. Check the power supply and wiring. All HC-05s should have a flashing LED to signify power on, ready to connect.
I am having the same problem. I have 4 x ZS-040 HC05 devices from 2 suppliers that do not work ... no LED on powering.
I have checked the supply at 4.78V
I would like to post an image of the devices as they do not have a lot of obvious components like the earlier HC05s I have used successfully. I cant work out how to insert image in this post.
Is this a bad batch... is this a common issue? ... anyone else with same issue?
Is this a bad batch... is this a common issue? ... anyone else with same issue?
Possibly......no.......probably not, and surely not with that many.
they do not have a lot of obvious components
That should make a very interesting picture, and just possibly a hilarious one. One dumb way to add pictures to to post without them, and then edit the post using "more". You then see an opportunity to add attachements and other options i.e. pictures etc, like