30 Second Timer + LED Display + Pager Motor HELP!!

It should be in the main loop. The motor() function is not needed anymore.


I have another problem.

I am trying to use Serial communication to receive data on the Arduino (Pin 0/Pin 1). The other prototyping board is a VX-Mega 128 and it is coded to send characters 'a' and 'b' over the air using a RF serial link that I bought from Sparkfun.

The receiver module is connected to my RX pin on the Arduino, despite baud rates being set the same, my arduino does not receive the characters. I even tried a wired method of communication but that didn't work either.

I tried Serial communication between two arduinos (MINI & Diecemilia) and that didn't work either. I've looked at the software serial library, tried to run that too, but it's giving me funky errors.

We've got everything working for the most part, besides the communication. USB communication, like I said, works fine. Just the RF or wired communication between two MCU is a problem.