Accessing a Flash drive from an Arduino Duemilanov

They claim that the USB connection can be any type of device.

I tried the Keyboard sample. It definately works. No special drivers needed. Plug in the Teensy and, voilà, another keyboard.

Unfortunately, I can only get the Teensy to work with the Arduino tools if it's configured as a serial port. Thursday, I sent an email to PJRC asking for guidance but have not yet had a reply.

They also have an alternative to the Serial Monitor (HID Listen) that I like. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work with Arduino either. The Serial Monitor does work with a small caveat.

If I can get Keyboard + Arduino working, my plan is to send data directly into a waiting Excel workbook.

Pretty good deal since you get a MCU as well.

I agree!

  • Brian

If I can get Keyboard + Arduino working, my plan is to send data directly into a waiting Excel workbook.

Follower (Philip Lindsay) has done that. He's put details on his site:

I've since done the same thing and documented it for Practical Arduino (coming soon). Relevant links include:

Arduino pretending to be a keyboard:

Arduino pretending to be a keyboard to control a game using a Nintendo DS touch screen:


I connected the Viculum chip to a breadboard and with wires to an arduino duemilanove and the arduino is connected to the pc!...i can't seem to have a communication between a USB attached to the vinculum through the arduino and the PC! i need to have any drivers?

any help would be appreciated!