Problem with LCD code

Yup, same result, it doesn't work.

If you put an lcd.print("hello world") in setup followed by a long delay, can you see the output on the LCD?

fwiw, the code I am running here is still working perfectly, so would be interested to find out what is different in your tests.

OK, this is just mad.

First change, added:

lcd.print("hello world");

to setup(). That was displayed just fine.

Next I removed the Serial.println("");, but now the "hello world" message gets displayed but the first two characters are corrupted, but the time gets displayed OK.

Almost seems like there is a buffer that is being created but not initialised correctly.

Here is the current state of my code:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <DS1307.h>

int rtc[7];

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

void setup()
// Uncomment these lines if you want to set the time on startup
  // set up the LCD's number of rows and columns: 
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  lcd.print("hello world");

char* dayOfWeek[] = {"xxx", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"};

void loop()

  printDigits(rtc[0],' ');
  printDigits(rtc[6],' ');


void printDigits(int digits, char delimiter)
  if(digits < 10) {

If I change "hello world" to ".", it displays a double bar symbol for 10 seconds, then the dayOfWeek is corrupted and becomes a double bar. If I change it to ".,", then I get two corrupt characters for 10 seconds then the main loop displays mostly garbage which bears a slight resemblance to the time and date. ".,/" goes back to a basically blank screen. "hello" performs the same as "hello world".

This is insane!

I think I'm going to try using a different computer, I'm wondering if there is an incompatibility with W7x64 RC1 somewhere. I'll give it a go on my XP based netbook tomorrow sometime. The fact that adding or removing code from loop() is affecting code running in setup() just strikes me as ridiculous unless there is a compiler problem/incompatibility somewhere.

Since the code is being executed on an Arduino, and displayed on an LCD, I fail to see how compiling the code on a different computer will make any difference.

However, I will be interested in hearing whether that makes any difference.

The Serial.println should not do anything, because you don't have a Serial.begin statement. Serial.println should (but maybe doesn't) know whether or not Serial.begin was called, and do absolutely nothing if it wasn't.

If there was a bug or incompatibility in the compiler/IDE/USB drivers then that could quite easily affect the way the code was compiled and uploaded to the Arduino. If the code is compiled wrong, then anything could happen.

I am new to this forum, i am building some stuff for home use.
One of the things i had troubles, was the LCD.
As i watch this topic, there is a similar problem i had too.

If I change "hello world" to ".", it displays a double bar symbol for 10 seconds, then the dayOfWeek is corrupted and becomes a double bar. If I change it to ".,", then I get two corrupt characters for 10 seconds then the main loop displays mostly garbage which bears a slight resemblance to the time and date. ".,/" goes back to a basically blank screen. "hello" performs the same as "hello world".

My LCD did not show anything, i also have the DS1307. My problem was simple the power of the LCD, if you get 00:00:00 time and date or garbage caracters, then it meant in my case that the needed power to the DS1307 is too short, because the LCD used too much.
I solved this with a second 7805 i added for the lcd and the trouble was gone. I had the same troubles, first a few seconds time and date and after some seconds garbage.
That is maybe, i think for 100% the trouble in this case.

I use this forum to get solutions.
I hope this will solve your LCD troubles.